Acupuncture Guru Clinic

Oncare Wellness Clinic

Richmond Hill

110 Church St S
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1W3

About Us

Acupuncture Guru Clinic, located in Richmond Hill, offers registered acupuncture, cupping, pulse and tongue coating analysis, chiropractic services, diagnosis, and registered massage. At our clinic, eastern medicine seamlessly integrates with western science to assist in your recovery from injuries, surgeries, or illnesses. We provide a natural approach to restoring your health and preventing diseases.

Our dedicated team is ready to address your health concerns and provide natural composite treatments aimed at promoting a healthy body and mind. We are committed to helping you:

  • Retain your youthfulness and vitality
  • Sustain strength, energy, and mental clarity
  • Enhance your overall well-being, including your sex life
  • Manage challenges related to menopause
  • Promote clear and healthy skin, support smoking cessation, and facilitate weight loss



Acupuncture is a type of complementary medicine where specific points on the body are stimulated, usually with a needle through the skin, to relieve pain or treat different illnesses.


Many people choose chiropractic care to alleviate or prevent pain and improve mobility. Over time, it proves effective in supporting your overall well-being and vitality.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an alternative medicine technique where cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The suction from the cups enhances blood flow, promoting the healing of various medical conditions.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine involves using parts of plants like seeds, berries, or root for medicinal purposes. It is effective in treating and preventing diseases.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves hands-on manipulation of the body's soft tissues, such as muscles, connective tissue, tendons, and joints, with the aim of optimizing health.


Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine method that uses a spongy herb to promote healing, enhance blood strength, and support overall health.


Osteopathy is a drug-free and non-invasive manual medicine that emphasizes overall body health and have a positive impact on the body's nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems.

Pulse Diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis involves feeling the pulse to gather diagnostic information about a patient.

Tongue Diagnosis

The tongue is intricately connected to the meridians and internal organs in the body, making it a valuable tool for confirming diagnoses during inspection.


My low lumbar/sacrum injury caused constant, intense pain that acupuncture at the Acupuncture Guru Clinic significantly alleviated from my first visit. While initial relief was temporary, subsequent treatments provided longer-lasting effects, ranging from 1-2 days to a week or more. Despite prior attempts with prescription pain relievers and traditional physical therapy, the sustained relief I've experienced at the Acupuncture Guru Clinic surpasses my previous treatments. Now, I feel a sense of normalcy and potential healing, rekindling hope for a return to activities I had abandoned over the past couple of years.


Over a year ago, I turned to acupuncture with Ken Du to address anxiety and stress, favoring natural medicine over traditional Western approaches. Amidst the challenges of finishing graduate school and studying for my Series 7 Brokerage License, I was physically and mentally strained. Weekly sessions brought swift improvements, including clear skin, better sleep, and reduced stress. I now excel in a demanding securities trading job and remain composed in high-pressure situations. Acupuncture has revitalized me naturally, enhancing my well-being and serving as a testament to its efficacy. I recommend it to those seeking a natural remedy for ailments, providing a holistic and safe solution.

Barbara Smith

I have visited Ken for a few months in Newmarket. I find his service professional and friendly. I have had many massage treatments in many other different places and can honestly say Ken does the best back massages I have ever had anywhere! Good Luck Ken, you have gained a very long term customer in me through your service.

Danniel Liu